How to Make Broken Pot Fairy Garden A few years ago we visited a local auction full of all sorts of interesting bits and pieces; one lot I came across had masses of fabulous terracotta pots and planters and being someone who pref[...]
How to Make Broken Pot Fairy Garden A few years ago we visited a local auction full of all sorts of interesting bits and pieces; one lot I came across had masses of fabulous terracotta pots and planters and being someone who pref[...]
As mentioned previously on my blog, we are huge fans of Belle and Boo and Mandy Sutcliffe's stunning illustrations. For the past two years, I have made a Belle and Boo themed birthday cake, this year, my little girl asked for...[...]
We all know the feeling as parents', as the end of term approaches there is a wonderful feeling that soon you get to spend quality time with your little ones, a break from routine to enjoy what really matters. It isn't long, howev[...]
My daughter and I took ourselves off for a few days during the first week of her Easter holidays to stay with my parents. We never get to visit as much as we would like during term time, so when the holidays come ar[...]
You may have read When Emma arrived in the woods - Emma Mattress and how delighted we are with the Emma Mattress in our spare room. What I didn't mention in my post was just how excited our little girl was from the moment[...]
Keeping chicken, to most probably doesn't seem like the sort of thing that needs dressing up; an egg is an egg, and an egg goes in a box and that is it, right? Well, there are some chicken keepers, like myself, who love, and ha[...]
Anyone who knows me - my husband especially - knows that I just love rooting around for bits and pieces for our home in local auctions, bric-a-brac shops, antique shops, boot fairs. You name it, I will be there[...]
As mentioned previously on my blog, we are huge fans of Belle and Boo and Mandy Sutcliffe's stunning illustrations. Last year, I made a Belle and Boo themed birthday cake, this year, my little girl asked for the same. Enjoying[...]
Another little project, this time for my daughter's bedroom. We had some old cushions lying around, so we decided to upcycle them by making cushion covers, using her favourite book characters Belle and Boo and the gorgeous Belle[...]
As previously mentioned on my blog, myself and my daughter just love Belle and Boo and Mandy Sutcliffe's beautiful illustrations and when my daughter started ballet last term, I decided to add to my Belle and Boo fabric collecti[...]