Creative, hassle free Half Term activities at home – Trunkaroo Subscription Boxes
We all know the feeling as parents’, as the end of term approaches there is a wonderful feeling that soon you get to spend quality time with your little ones, a break from routine to enjoy what really matters. It isn’t long, however, until you soon realise the wonderful lessons taught and activities our little ones have grown accustomed to at school, suddenly all of that… well it’s all on YOU!
I love nothing more than a good crafting session, getting messy with paint and glue, as well as getting outside in the garden and potting things on in the vegetable garden, however, there are also those days when you want an activity, where everything you need is supplied, a project where there is limited mess and hours of fun for our children.
So as we head into half term, let me introduce you to Trunkaroo, who have designed and created Trunkaroo Monthly Subscription boxes, containing hands-on, creative projects for the curious 3-8 year olds.
With a really strong focus on making Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths interesting and magical, the Trunkaroo ‘trunks’ include everything needed for hours of hassle-free fun and learning.
We received theTrunkaroo Growing Seeds Trunk which has been so much fun for my creative and green fingered daughter. There are however a wide range of different creative subscription boxes available from ‘Family Games Night’ to ‘Famous Artist’ subscription boxes.
Our Trunkaroo box arrived and there was no holding my little girl back, we set straight to work outside, in the glorious Spring sunshine, prepping our seed trays for the radish seeds, and also working on the ‘cress growing challenge’.
One box, but with masses of things to do, this box alone has two projects, with lots of smaller projects to do too; from checking and watering the seeds daily, to creating projects with 3D cutouts.
There are clear instructions for parents, and my nearly four year old daughter could easily understand the steps using the really lovely illustrations also included, she even started correcting me, when I missed an important step! Everything is included in the Trunkaroo box to keep green fingered children entertained, but I can well imagine, using this particular Trunkaroo box to inspire and educate a child who has never grown anything from seed before.
Not only has my daughter enjoyed this Trunkaroo seed growing subscription box, it has to be said that both myself and my husband have thoroughly enjoyed it too! I love getting my daughter engrossed in projects like this, but so often we are short on supplies of one thing or another, so to have everything we need in one box was really helpful. My husband came home from work that evening and they both made the second project in the box, decorating and ‘growing’ flowers out of paper; these Trunkaroo boxes really are for the whole family to enjoy as well as the littlest members!
I was approached by Trunkaroo to share their boxes with my readers, and like with the rest of the brands and products I share on my blog and social media, this is a product that I have really enjoyed and highly recommend.
For more information or to buy, visit Trunkaroo.
Please Note: I have not been paid for this post, I received one box to share on social media, I have decided to share a blog post due to the fact we were so impressed and enjoyed the box so much. All thoughts and opinions are my own.