Navigating Late ADHD Diagnosis and the Journey to Our Dream Self-Build Home
A Long Overdue Update: New Diagnoses, Growing Children and a Self Build.
It has been quite some time since my last post, and life has been moving at such a pace that I’ve struggled to find the right moment to sit down and share. So much has happened, and I want to update you on everything – from new diagnoses in our family to exciting personal projects and the big news of building our dream home.
Discovering Neurodiversity in the Family: ADHD and Autism Late Diagnosis
One of the most significant changes in our lives over the past year has been discovering that not only am I neurodivergent, but so are the girls. After years of quietly questioning and wondering why certain things felt more challenging, I was diagnosed with Level One Autism and combined ADHD. Receiving this diagnosis as an adult has been a mix of emotions, everything from relief to grief.
The validation that comes with finally understanding why I have always felt a bit out of sync with the world is profound, but it also brings with it a sense of reflection on all the years spent not knowing…
For years, I masked so much, adapting to fit in and not draw too much attention to the differences I was quietly aware of. Now, I can look back at my experiences with so much more compassion for myself. The timing feels serendipitous, as both of our girls have been diagnosed too. It has been incredibly emotional but also empowering to see them receive the support in school and in life, as well as a better understanding of why they struggle or think in ways that others don’t.
Our eldest has settled into her new school and while the social side is still a struggle for her with people who don’t understand what goes on beneath the surface, much like it was for me, she is thriving in every other aspect. The school have been incredible in helping her transition to this next phase of education. They have amazing facilities, from sports to clubs and everything in between, and her hard work was recently rewarded with a Distinction in “Continued Excellence across the school”, we couldn’t be prouder! She is finding her way, and seeing her perseverance is inspiring, and seeing her self acceptance too is inspirational.
Our youngest, now nearly six, has made huge strides too. Her speech, which was long delayed, is now on track. A big breakthrough came recently when we discovered she was struggling with reading because the “words were dancing across the page.” Thanks to a colour overlay, the words have stopped dancing, and now she’s reading with confidence. She doesn’t enjoy school and every day is a struggle with meltdowns before and after school, I wish so much we could move her to where her sister is, but we simply don’t have the money to afford it just yet.
Prioritising Offline Moments
You may have noticed that I’m not as active on Instagram these days either. As much as I have loved sharing snippets of our woodland life I aim to be offline as much as possible when the girls are around. It is so important to me to model healthy phone habits, especially as they grow older and the pull of smart devices gets stronger. I want them to see that being present with one another is more important than the constant pull of notifications and social media.
That doesn’t mean I’m not working, though, in fact, my photography business Jessica Cresswell Photography has been thriving. Since I kicked off my photography work again, I have had the pleasure of collaborating with some incredible brands. Whether it’s creating user-generated content for The Woodland Wife or working directly with the brands on product shoots. I have my own home photography studio now, which has made juggling work and family life so much easier. I love visiting small businesses and photographing their work and/or products, it is so rewarding. Supporting these businesses and makers and seeing their passion through my lens is something I really enjoy.
Our Dream Oak-Framed Home Self Build
Now, onto the biggest piece of news – we finally got the planning approval to build our dream home here in the woods. This oak-framed house has been a vision of ours for so long, and I can’t can’t put into words how excited we are to bring it to life. People keep asking, “When are you starting?” and while the eagerness is lovely, we have always been a couple that moves when we are ready.
We have spent over a decade shaping our lives here, taking our time to get things right, from converting the original buildings to fixing up the site, it has been a journey of hard work and love, and we have never been ones to rush!
For those who have only known us since we became parents, many don’t realise how much we accomplished here before the girls were born. Paul and I have always been hands-on, creating the life we dreamed of, one step at a time. This next chapter, building our oak-framed house feels like the culmination of all that effort. The design is everything we hoped for, and while building a house is no small feat, we can’t wait to finally start this next adventure.
Returning to Where It All Began
It’s funny how life comes full circle sometimes. Back in 2015, I launched The Woodland Wife blog and Instagram when our eldest started preschool, and now, with her settling in to secondary school, I have been feeling that same pull to return to blogging and my Instagram. There is something about these moments of transition that make you want to reflect and reconnect.
So, here I am, back at it, excited to share our life with you once again. There is so much ahead: new projects, family adventures and of course, the journey of building our dream home.
Thank you for sticking with me through this time of change and I’m looking forward to keeping you all updated as we continue to grow, build, and thrive in this beautiful woodland we call home.
Until next time,
Jessica xx