Signs of Spring in the woods
The milder weather has brought our woodland to life. In the middle of the bleak, Winter months, I look out to bare chestnut stools, far out into the woods and remind myself that in a few months, I won’t be able to see deep into the woods because the lush green foliage will block the view.
In Spring, the view changes altogether and it has all started to unfold this last week. Suddenly the buds on the trees have turned into tiny leaves, the silver birch looks like it’s covered in green glitter.
The daffodil bulbs we planted mid March, look like the might flower this year as little buds have appeared. The lawn that we put in last year, while converting this space into our home, is finally thickening up and looking much healthier than it has done over recent months.
As we walk into the woods, it is a sea of green, with the odd speck of blue… in a matter of weeks this will all go blue and we will covered in my favourite flowers of all, the bluebells. The scent will be incredible as we carefully walk among the tiny bells. The dog happily bounds through the bluebells, the brambles and the long grass, picking up all the fresh woodland scents. Can you spot him in a photo below…?!
I honestly can’t say that I have a favourite season, as each brings it’s own magic to the woods. Early Spring is certainly a time I enjoy, as there are very small, gradual changes, then suddenly everything around us bursts into colour. The birds just this last week are full of song, from the early hours, until the sun sets behind the trees, bringing the usually quiet woods to life with song and chatter.
We are all so busy, I find myself rushing around the place, but this weekend and this week, I have told myself to slow down again and take time, to just take in all these signs of Spring.
I would love to hear what signs have you noticed around you, large or small, what makes you feel excited about the months ahead?