A story about friendship and bee conservation ‘Bee and Me’ by Alison Jay
As everyone knows bees and other pollinating insects play a vastly important role in ecosystems, but did you know that a third of all our food depends on their pollination? Take a moment to really think about what that means… it would be simply devastating for food production if we had a world without these fluffy looking pollinators.
Since the late 90’s beekeepers have noticed a sudden disappearance of bees and unusually high rates of decline in honeybee colonies. The cause for this? The main reason for this global decline has been linked to bee-killing pesticides; industrial agriculture, parasites, as well as climate change are a huge threat to our pollinators.
As someone who spends a huge amount of time outdoors, so far this Spring, I have noticed a lot of bumble bees around our woodland and have enjoyed seeing them buzz around the new buds and old leaves on the woodland floor. However, there is someone in our house who is oddly not so keen, my daughter.
I have NEVER fussed around bees, I think they are great, not just because of the vital role they play in the garden, but also because to me, bumble bees have always seemed like a friendly insect and will quite happily have them buzzing around me. So, it came as a complete shock when my daughter, who often tells me that “garden and flowers need fuzzy bees” started having full blown meltdowns at the slightest buzz…
In comes ‘Bee and Me‘, a fabulous publication from Old Barn Books, by Alison Jay. As mentioned above, we all know about the plight of the bumble bee around the world and the implications that the decline has on the planet’s future, however this beautifully illustrated book has the most fabulous personal story; a story of hope, working together and friendship.
A little girl who lives in a town, befriends a bee which takes her on a magical journey of discovery and to an action that each and every child can take, to aid in conservation of the mighty bumble bee.
A story of friendship, however, it is also a fantastic introduction to the ecology of the natural world. Alison Jay‘s beautiful and original artwork brings this tale to life and whilst thoroughly uplifting, it is also an insight into a world without bees.
‘Bee and Me‘ by Alison Jay, from Old Barn Books is set to be released this week, so whether your a preschool teacher, a mother, a grandparent, or you know someone who has a child, buy a copy for a little person to not only enjoy, but to also educate about the natural world. My little girl has really taken to this book… I am hoping it is only a matter of time that the buzzing meltdowns stop!
I received this fabulous book, as well as a few others from Old Barn Books, that I will be sharing with you over the coming weeks.
Old Barn Books are independent publishers of beautifully illustrated books for children and gift books for adults. Like us, they are based in the woods and I am so excited to share this brand new publication, as well as others. It is independents like this, as well as illustrators and story tellers that I support 100%, where else can you find such an eclectic, personal and high quality books that children will cherish and enjoy?
For more information or to buy, visit Old Barn Books.
Please Note: I have not been paid for this post, although I received ‘Bee and Me’ in exchange for writing a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.