Made for Adventure – Half term fun with Micro Scooters
As a mother there have been times when a small bribe is the only way to see ‘results’; my daughter’s thumb sucking had reached new levels and with the start of school looming something substantial was needed to break the habit, this was where I had a brainwave and my bribery plan was hatched!
“Darling, if you stop sucking your thumb before you start school at half term you will get a scooter…”
A scooter to my daughter was the DREAM, with all her friends having one there was nothing she wanted more (other than a real baby!) than a scooter, but I believed that I was asking a lot as the thumb was a well established habit. The night after the bribe was made the thumb went in; I reminded her of the ‘reward’, quickly it came out… and it never went back. Success!
Days went by and I kept thinking that surely we would soon face the inevitable ‘relapse’, thankfully that wasn’t the case. With the start of school and tiredness setting in she still didn’t give in to the old habit, so the week before half term I set about looking for the DREAM MACHINE!
There was only one place I planned to look; in my opinion, Mirco Scooters are the ‘best of the best’ as they have the largest range of award winning scooters and a HUGE range of exclusive colours, but imagine my delight at finding out that I could customise a Mini Micro Scooter for my daughter!
The only problem with being given lots of options, is that is nearly impossible to settle on one colour combination, however with the Create your own Mini Micro Scooter, you can actually see what it will look like on their website. With over 110,000 colour combinations you can choose the colour of both handle grips, the T-bar stem, the deck and the break colour can all be customised. Along with a huge range of accessories I set about creating a truly unique scooter. I kept both handles the same colour in a lovely coral, and then added the Aqua T-bar, the Mini 2 Go deck in mint, with a pink brake!
Half term arrived and I hid the Mirco Scooters box, along with a selection of accessories; a micro mint child helmet, a micro owl bell, a coral scooter light with three settings (constant, flash and rapid flash)… as well as a… an adult scooter for me too! I left the boxes at her playhouse and we set off on a surprise hunt! She had no idea of what she was looking for and as we found our way to the playhouse her excitement and happiness was an absolute picture!
I reminded her of why we had got a Mirco Scooter for her and she was blown away, whether she didn’t realise we meant it or if it would ever arrive I don’t know, but she was absolutely thrilled and so surprised. Over half term week we scooted around the woods, along our lane, around the framing bay outside her daddy’s workshop, as well as around the ground floor of my parents’ house, so now she is pretty good on it! She picked up the steering in no time and was soon telling me how to use mine!
I sadly haven’t had the opportunity to use mine as much as I would like, as I often have the dogs with me, and I’m not sure how I’d handle two dogs whilst scooting! I have the absolutely gorgeous Micro Speed Scooter in Mint, it is such a nice looking piece of kit and so light which is perfect if I do manage to get out in the woods with it!
Mirco Scooters have a huge range of scooter accessories which have been designed with scooting adventures in mind; helmets which are a must for adventurers both big and little, bells, lights and security allowing riders to be heard, seen and secure wherever you are. We also have a Micro Pull & Carry in Aqua which is ideal for when we go on the longer scooting adventures as my daughter does eventually get tired!
We also added a natural Mini Chari Basket, this wasn’t from Micro Scooters, it was from Olliella and works wonderfully well for all the bits my daughter collects on her woodland adventures and it also looks great with the scooter!
With the start of school, we have now started taking my daughter’s Mirco Scooter in with her, we drive into the village and then scoot in to school, often with her friends who already had scooters, or it’s just me and her as we natter away!
Mirco Scooter is by far the most popular scooter in my daughter’s school, with a little scooter rack where all sorts of different colours, styles, sizes; it’s safe to say that my daughter’s micro scooter is a gift that keeps giving… a fabulous reward. Most would see it as a very extravagant gift to give without occasion, however the thumb sucking was becoming a real problem. I think the promise of such a fabulous reward really helped reach the point where she knew she had to and really wanted to stop!
Having seen the joy on my daughter’s face when she first saw the scooter box as well as the days and days of fun we have had since discovering it at her playhouse, I would definitely recommend not only the Mini Micro Scooter for little ones, but also the fabulous Create your own Mini Micro Scooter as it has been so lovely to have a scooter that is not only wonderfully unique, but also one that stands out on the scooter rack at school so that I’m not standing around for ages scratching my head wondering which one is my daughters!
Olliella – The Mini Chari Basket, Natural is perfect for my daughter’s scooter, as well as a bag for collecting all sorts of woodland treasure. This little woven basket bag is functional, adorable, and perfect for little multi-taskers and adventurers like my daughter.
Little Cotton Clothes – An Autumn favourite in my daughter’s wardrobe, Ribbed Tights in english mustard with the beautiful Maud Dress in Grey Herringbone.
Nellie Quats – Last year and this Autumn’s ‘go to’ piece of clothing, the Conkers Pinafore is perfect to pop on over a jumper or layer up for adventures.
For more information or to buy, visit Mirco Scooters.
Please Note: I have not been paid for this post, however I did receive a Micro Mini Scooter for my daughter and a Micro Speed Scooter for myself. This was in exchange for writing a 100% honest and authentic review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.