Organic Soothing Baby Salve – 20 Years of Green People
Anyone who follows my blog or social media channels will know that I am an advocate of ethical living as well as green beauty.
I am a huge fan of Green People, their ethos and their products. I discovered them four years ago when looking for products to use on my daughter in the sun and in the bath. From there, I started using not only their sun cream and bath products from their organic baby range, as well as a wide range of products for myself!
I am very picky when it comes to products I use on myself, as I have always had problematic skin, so when it came to my daughter, I knew I wanted to find products that were gentle on her delicate skin. As children, their skin is so sensitive to the nasties in a lot of other products on the market. Since using Green People products on her all those years ago, we simply haven’t felt the need to try anything else.
It makes me so happy that Green People are celebrating their 20th anniversary, especially in a time when the beauty industry is saturated with products which often contain some rather nasty ingredients (a subject I could expand on… but won’t just now!!) but Green People with their strong brand and ethical values are doing incredibly well in a time when their is a huge amount of competition in the beauty and baby bath and skincare industry.
I was recently featured in a magazine and asked what ethical brands I am coveting right now, Green People was just one of the brands, and it is actually the product I mentioned in the publication, that I am going to share with you now.
I simply wouldn’t be without Green People products, however the one item that is never far from my reach is their Organic Babies Soothing Baby Salve. Made for soft, supple and delicate skin, it contains organic hemp, calendula and lavender. It has absolutely no nasties, no gluten, no parabens, no nasty colourants, alcohol, chemicals or synthetic fragrances.
This 100% natural Baby Salve is ideal for common skin complaints in children such as eczema and psoriasis. My daughter occasionally had very light cases of eczema as a baby, and this Soothing Baby Salve worked wonderfully to soothe her. It was also a wonder product when she had chicken pox after Christmas, as it worked wonders in the night to soothe the itch and sores.
I keep the Soothing Baby Salve in my coat pocket when out walking, or in my bag when I go out, as it’s great for any little emergencies that often crop up while on the go. Anyone who visits our home, will see this product in most of the rooms here. I keep it on my desk for my lips and on my hands and face when they’re feeling a bit dry, the bathroom for anything that might crop up after bath time, as well is in my daughter’s bedroom.
Most recently, this product has been pretty much glued to me, as I have been using the Baby Salve as a massage cream for my daughter. As a baby she suffered from dreadful reflux and colic, and I managed a lot of her symptoms using baby massage, recently she has been complaining about growing pains in her legs, as well as suffering an acute flare up of what seems to be her old reflux and colic symptoms, I have been using Green People soothing baby salve to gently massage her tummy throughout the day and night. It has proved absolutely invaluable, truly. This is a product that I recommend to my mummy friends as well as anyone else who will listen!
I realise that as a mother, parent, grandparent, it is so easy to reach for the big name brands of children’s bath and skincare products, price and availabilty plays a huge part in purchases we make, however, with Green People products, you may be paying a slightly higher price, but by using these Green, Organic baby products, you can be sure that you are getting a product PACKED with goodness, a product that is ETHICALLY produced, and because the contents are so pure and concentrated, you only have to use a teeny tiny amount of each product so it will last and last… so you actually get much better value for your money, as well as really looking after your child’s/children’s delicate skin.
I am delighted to let you know that as part of their 20th Anniversary celebrations, Green People are giving away samples of their Organic Babies Soothing Baby Salve, in handy pots. All that is required is for you to enter your details into a short form, in return, you get too try this fabulous product for yourself.
As you can tell, this is a must have item for me, however you can also read other mother’s testimonials when entering your details using the link below:
To buy Organic Babies Soothing Baby Salve as well as other organic, green beauty products visit Green People online.
Please Note: This has been written for Green People as a Sponsored Post, all thoughts and opinions are my own.